The past few days here have been so nice with it warming up and making me feel like spring is right around the corner. I kept thinking that we'd have our seedling sale in a few weeks, and when we did all of the bulbs I planted in our front garden last fall would be poking through the dirt.(Because, you know, its spring silly.) I can't wait to see how the flowers Adam and I picked out will look against our house. I really hope the people we bought it from didn't have any other bulbs planted there...
But no. Winter is still here no matter what the calendar tells us. Mother Nature slapped me in the face with it this morning when I woke up and took the dogs outside - there was so much snow I couldn't get off my back porch! Needless to say, I will not be going outside to do much of anything today. I had so many plans - the gym, some laundry, maybe taking a walk around our neighborhood and alternating dogs. I was even going to go outside and attempt to replace the boarder bricks the sellers stacked around the garden before they sold us the house last year.
This would be after the plow came by. See the vehicle coming down the street?
Yeah, he didn't make it up our tiny little hill.
I think Adam must silently be thanking the snow. He knows how active I like to stay and how much I really do love being outside. Since I hurt my shoulder at work, he likes to keep an eye on me while I pretend that I'm fully functional and make my feeble attempts to do everything I used to do. I told him last night I think that arthritis is beginning to set into the joint. I've hardly done anything at all the past few days (besides obvious tidying around the house and driving to work where I make every effort to only use my left arm so as not to aggravate the other) and the joint was so swollen and painful last night that I needed help to get dressed for the first time in a very long time. So, can I blame the man if he's at work, thanking God for sending him one more day that he doesn't need to worry about me outside? Not so much I'm thinking.
Thankfully, my pain management doctor thinks that he may have found the answer to the problem as well as a solution. His office got me all set up with an appointment to see two specialists next week. I'm hoping for some answers - I want to garden!!
Speaking of gardening, I think I've just figured out what I'll spend the day doing (as attempting to walk the dogs is no longer an option.). It seems like our garlic has outgrown it's little plastic pots we started it in. Expect to see them planted in something a bit more fun when you find them at the seedling drive!!
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