Saturday, March 23, 2013

Bigger Plans

We all grew up hearing our parents and our older siblings tell us "life's not fair", or sometimes even "shit happens" in response to our complaints that something hasn't gone our way. I find that I reminding myself of that a lot these days. Some of our seedlings died and I'm not completely sure why, though I have my suspicions. We've tried super hard to have biological children for almost two years, and I've found in the past three days two more people have found themselves faced with their own happy surprises.

Life isn't fair. Shit does happen.

Don't get me wrong, I realize I have a lot of things to be grateful for in this life, and I am. I really and truly am. I've got parents and siblings who have always been there for me and supported me. I've got a husband who worships the ground I walk on and tells me every day how much he loves me. I've got four snuggly fur-babies that show me every day how much they love and need me. I've got friends in my corner cheering me on through every hurdle I experience. I've got a wonderful home, food in my fridge.

What more could I ask for with these two on the couch with me?

It's times like these when I struggle that I rely most on my friends and family to remind me to trust in His plans for myself and Adam. Today, I have to thank Chelsea for reminding me of that. She reminded me of Psalm 91:1
"You who live in the secret place of Elyon, spend your nights in the shelter of Shaddai"
In Chelseas words? "Just get in that secret place with him.. and just do that. He will keep you in his shadow ..and can't nothin get to you there!!!
I need to remind myself that sometimes the Big Man upstairs has bigger plans for us than the ones we have for ourselves. I think I'll be able to keep my sanity through all of this if I can just keep reminding myself of those words. Bigger plans... bigger plans.

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